
WASD - Movement

E - Throw sugar cubes

Avoid being eaten! Run through the kitchen table to avoid the sweet release of death by the hands (or mouth in this case) of this devious kid in desperate need of some dessert.

Collect the sugar cubes across the table to either throw them at the kid which will cloy him for a little while or share it with the ants you find in your way

This Game was made in 72 hours for the mini jam 163: Dessert with the limitation of "Sharing is caring".

Team members:

Jacobo Gallego

Eduardo Hincape

Andy Gallego

Martina Jaramillo


Do'nut 32 MB


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Oiii this game's quite something! The setup, gameplay and even the kid chasing the donut (his demon face can return to the hell it came from, please!) are quite amusing. Great stuff


Wow! IThis game is hot. I'm think that my mechanics are easy. But u're mechanics are cool and easy. 🎂🙌